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paper goodies and family life

Gossamer Blue Awesome

If you know me, I tend to shy away from primary colors (red); I love some brights and pastels, but the primaries (red) really throw me for a loop.

I've been trying to use stash items, and the photo of my girly wearing a red and white t-shirt called for some red spray ink.  But how do I use it without it looking like blood splatters?

I dipped the negatives from the feather cut file in the spray ink!  I sprayed some on my craft mat and just dipped the tips.  Boom.  No blood splatters.

I used a citron green, blue and yellow + my fave black inks on the Pinkfresh paper, smooshing and flicking the inks on the background.  And yes, I even flicked some of the red!

I love those Gossamer Blue exclusive acrylic pieces.  The big size has been so fun to use on my layouts.

Have a happy day!
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